that a vastly greater fund of accumulated knowledge and wisdom 身内ないや個人のみで思いつく量より
to apply our accumulated knowledge 蓄積した知識を活用し
he is understood to have accumulated knowledge by self-education such as by visiting places throughout japan to see directly wind-up dolls and devoted himself to restore wind-up dolls which had been hoarded up in various places; however , he sometimes ' repaired ' wind-up dolls to change the original model , which , it is said , has made him not necessarily highly evaluated by wind-up doll researchers . 全国のからくり人形を直接見て回るなど独学で知識を積み上げ、各地で死蔵されていたからくりの復元に尽したとされるが、その一方で元々と違う形で「修復」することがあり、からくりの研究家などからの評価は高くないとも言われる。